In this podcast, I speak with Carolyn Freeman, renowned Cyberpsychologist, about Online Sexual Deviance and Addiction. We discuss issues such as: The definition of pornography addiction and pornographic material. If there is a correlation between the availability of porn and its compulsive consumption. The impact of watching deviant sexual behaviour and porn on the brain and hormones, particularly dopamine. Demographics of those who watch porn and the difference between older and younger viewers. The age at which children typically start watching porn and the impact of early exposure. Advice for parents...

On the surface of it, sex should be the most natural, bonding, and fun connection. There’s a biological driver, as there is for food, so surely it can’t ever be an addiction. However, what happens when someone’s relationship with sex crosses a destructive line such that it no longer serves a nourishing purpose? Sex addiction presents in numerous ways such as compulsive masturbation; dangerous sexual practices; compulsive use of the internet, chat rooms, and dating sites; exhibitionism; child molestation; voyeurism; excessive fantasy and chronic affairs....

Can you stay sober in the Age of Covid? That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Addicts of any kind all face an increased vulnerability due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Also, to make matters even worse, due to our current external environment there is a high risk that addicts will seek alternative addiction pathways due to avenues and coping strategies that have now become blocked off to them. Living through the Pandemic has most certainly been a challenge with respect to any addiction where sobriety and recovery...

Do you know what your sons and daughters are watching online? What are you or your partner looking at? It’s just porn right; everybody looks; it’s a bloke thing; it’s harmless fun. CAUSE FOR ALARM? Of course sex is our oldest industry so why should viewing pornography be an issue. It’s because the internet has moved the goalposts. It’s no longer the magazine on the top shelf. Or taking half an hour to download a clip. It’s instantaneous, never ending variety, secretive and 24/7. What might...

“I read this article. It said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, smoking too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? This is my idea of a great day!" - Monica Piper Life places so many demands on us, and while most of the time we might be able to rise to the challenges these pose, if stress is prolonged and excessive, it can overwhelm and lead to us burning out. Burnout is essentially when a person is mentally, emotionally...

I don’t think it’s that easy being a man in our western culture, even though on the surface it appears they hold all the power, as the gender injustices that limit women cannot be denied.  For example, men are traditionally regarded as the ‘stronger sex’; monopolise top jobs without glass ceilings and make up the majority of protagonists in the film industry. Yet this is a double-edged sword as these apparent privileges are underpinned by relentless expectations of how our boys and men need to...

Nothing feels quite as fantastic as being enthused and passionate about a topic, hoping that others will engage and be just as interested, and finding that the desired response from the audience turns out to be exactly that! My interest in "Sex.....

In this video I am interviewed about men and how they might grieve, following bereavement or any form of loss. I hope this provides insight and understanding into male responses and their ways of coping, in order to best equip family, friends and colleagues to be as supportive as possible. Video of men and grieving ...

Psychologists are concerned that when the adolescent brain is exposed to porn, it will struggle to form and maintain a relationship in the future. There is also cause for concern with issues for future partners being treated with respect. Rob Watt, who is a Harley Street psychotherapist, says: “Sex addicts presenting today are unrecognisable to clients presenting 10 years ago. We are increasingly seeing more people presenting with a compulsive behaviour on pornography and, in the younger generation, this is becoming more pronounced”. According to the Harley...