24 Feb PODCAST: Online Sexual Deviance and Addiction
In this podcast, I speak with Carolyn Freeman, renowned Cyberpsychologist, about
Online Sexual Deviance and Addiction.
We discuss issues such as:
- The definition of pornography addiction and pornographic material.
- If there is a correlation between the availability of porn and its compulsive
consumption. - The impact of watching deviant sexual behaviour and porn on the brain and hormones,
particularly dopamine. - Demographics of those who watch porn and the difference between older and younger
viewers. - The age at which children typically start watching porn and the impact of early
exposure. - Advice for parents concerned about their children accessing pornographic material.
- The impact of online sexual behaviour on relationships and beyond.
- How therapy can help those who have lost control of their online sexual behaviour.
- The indirect impact of online deviant behaviour on partners, their children or parents.
- The importance of recognising signs of addiction in various settings, including the
workplace. - Anime, manga and hentai, and their impact on young people’s perceptions.
For therapists and professionals interested in learning more I have developed a 6 hour
CPD, Pursuing Pleasure: Working Therapeutically with Sex & Pornography Addiction
Course: Pursuing Pleasure? | Udemy
Together we all need to talk about this taboo topic to reduce shame and create safe
spaces for people to seek help and support.